December 14, 1940

Original Source Documents:   September 27, 1940 - G4 - P. & E. Conference

Contributor:    Robert A. Notman

Source:  Dwight D. Eisenhower Library


P. & E. Conference                  September 27, 1940


1. G-3 has made a recomputation of training ammunition, raised some of the critical items, reduced some of the others.  They ask that we fill in the actual stocks of those items and production rates.


2. Col. Griner stated that Chemical Warfare Service submitted a Table of Organization asking for an increase in the number of mortars from 8 to 24 - 81 mm.  Col. Aurand asked that it be held up until he hears from related studies.


3.  The Bantam car will be at Fort Meyer Sunday morning at 9:00.  All who wish to see it, please meet at Post Headquarters at that time.


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Last updated 26 March 2006