Original Source Documents: October 9, 1940 - QM 451 (Proc. 398-41-9), F. H. Fenn, American Bantam, to Lt. Col. J. Van Ness Ingram, Purchasing and Contracting Officer, Holabird
Contributor: Bill Norris
Source: Lt. Colonel Dow's collection, Detroit Library
Executive Offices
Butler, Pa.
October 9, 1940
Major J. Van Ness Ingram
Holabird Quartermaster Depot
Baltimore, Maryland
Contract #W-398-qm-8269
Dear Major:
Pursuant to my letter of October 4, 1940 it which I quoted you prices on Bantam cars, I know you will be glad to hear that we already found very material savings, which, it seems, now will enable us to reduce the price of the first lot of cars by, roughly, $50.00 a car.
Of course, as I mentioned in my letter, the prices I quoted you were prices assembled under pressure, without sufficient opportunity to enable us to shop the market properly.
I would like to reiterate, Major, that on such orders, our books and records are open to your auditors at all times, so that you may be assured that every penny we are able to save will be passed on to you.
Cordially yours,
FENN (signed)
President and
General Manager
Frank H. Fenn/cs