December 14, 1940

Original Source Documents:   October 24, 1940 - G4 - P. & E. Conference

Contributor:    Robert A. Notman

Source:  Dwight D. Eisenhower Library


P. & E. Conference                  October 24, 1940 (Thursday)


Col. Goodman presiding:


Col. Aurand asked Col. Goodman to bring up a few matters at the meeting this morning since Col. Aurand left Washington last night to be on temporary duty at Fort Benning, Ga for several days, returning by the was of Pensacola, Fla., and will be back here Tuesday morning.


1.  About the Bantam car matter, Col. Hoag was requested to study the specifications and see that the gas tank was not put under the cowl.


2. This Branch will prepare certain paragraphs to go in the Annual Report of the Chief of Staff.  Col. Aurand will write part of it, and we will write the Equipment paragraphs.


3.  Col. Easley stated the Chief of National Guard wants priority in motor transportation on his part of the Regular 1941 and all of the Second Supplemental.  However, this request cannot be granted as the distribution was set up sometime ago.


4. Major McAuliffe reported WPD sent us a study on Barrage Balloons for our concurrence, in which the study recommended 3,000 of them.  We withheld our concurrence and recommended about 750 barrage balloons to complete the Barrage Balloon Program since this number seems adequate at the present time.


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