Original Source Documents: October 29, 1940 - G4 - P. & E. Conference
Contributor: Robert A. Notman
Source: Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
P. & E. Conference October 29, 1940 (Tuesday)
1. Col. Aurand returned to the office this morning. He first asked Col. Goodman for a report. Col. Goodman stated that Col. Wood had something to report in connection with Resources.
Col. Wood had a conference yesterday with Major Shepard. There are certain resources that Major Shepard reports to National Defense and also the Chief of Staff. There have to be reported on a form which is different from ours so it was difficult to check because Col. Wood could not give him parallel figures. In this connection Col. Wood stated than Feldman's resources as of 1940 or earlier frequently do not check with ours and it will probably come to fighting each article out unless Feldman will accept what we have. At this point Col. Aurand said it was up to the Chief of Ordnance to put out the figures to use.
2. Col. Griner reported that two TBA's on CA left his desk yesterday and he now had another one on his desk on CA.
3. Col. Easley reported the Bantam car went through all right. The Chief of Staff approved the purchase of 1,500 Bantam cars. Col. Aurand asked Col. Easley to follow this matter up and try to have Col. Johnson place the order as soon as possible.
During the above discussion on the Bantam car, the Bantam Company called Col. Aurand long distance and he stated the Chief of Staff had approved the purchase of the 1,500 Bantam cars.
Col. Aurand said he saw the parachutists jump. He saw a .50 caliber machine gun mounted on one of the 1/2-ton 4x4 bodies; and if the Infantry and Cavalry intend to use this for column protection, he wants to stop