December 14, 1940

Original Source Documents:   August 16, 1943 - Gen. H.S. Aurand Memo - C. H. Payne

Contributor:    Robert A. Notman

Source:  Major General George A. Lynch Papers


Prior to this time, the Office of the Chief of Infantry had been interested in the development of a light machine gun carrier of low silhouette which would be self-propelled. 




This development has fallen between the Ordnance Department and the Quartermaster Corps and was relatively inactive about the summer of 1940.




Apparently Mr. Payne knew of this development and proposed utilization of the Bantam automobile, or a modification of it, as a suitable vehicle in this field.  So far as I know, for many months he was the only person outside the Army who was interested in this development.  He called on me frequently and insistently.  It was not until after a pilot model of the present "jeep" was shown at Fort Myer that other outside organizations became interested in its manufacture.




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Last updated 2 September 2006